元日(Ganjitsu), 元旦(Gantan), 正月(Shogatsu) -- (New Year's Day)

Jan 4, 2017 14:41
Today I will talk about the Japanese words, "ganjitsu", "gantan" and "shogatsu", which are often misunderstood.

"元日 (ganjitsu)" means the first day of the new year, that is January 1st.

"元旦 (gantan)" could mean the first day of the new year, but it usually means "the morning of ganjitsu".

The kanji "旦" in "元旦" expresses that the sun (日) is coming out of the horizon (_).

"正月 (shogatsu)" means the first month of the new year, that is January.

However, "正月" often means a period for new year's celebration -- it is "三が日 (san ga nichi)" (January 1-3), or "松の内 (matsu no uchi)" (January 1-7).






No. 1 Cheru's correction
  • Today I will talk about the Japanese words, "ganjitsu", "gantan" and "shogatsu", which are often misunderstood.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "元日 (ganjitsu)" means the first day of the new year, that is January 1st.
  • "元日 (ganjitsu)" means the first day of the new year, that is January 1st.
     It is more natural to omit these words.
  • "元旦 (gantan)" could mean the first day of the new year, but it usually means "the morning of ganjitsu".
  • "元旦 (gantan)" could can mean the first day of the new year, but it usually means "the morning of ganjitsu".
  • The kanji "旦" in "元旦" expresses that the sun (日) is coming out of the horizon (_).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "正月 (shogatsu)" means the first month of the new year, that is January.
  • "正月 (shogatsu)" means the first month of the new year, that is January.
Very interesting!
Thank you so much for correcting my post! :)
No. 2 IrishAlex's correction
  • 元日(Ganjitsu), 元旦(Gantan), 正月(Shogatsu) -- (New Year's Day)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Today I will talk about the Japanese words, "ganjitsu", "gantan" and "shogatsu", which are often misunderstood.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "元日 (ganjitsu)" means the first day of the new year, that is January 1st.
  • "元日 (ganjitsu)" means the first day of the new year, which is January 1st in Japan.
  • "元旦 (gantan)" could mean the first day of the new year, but it usually means "the morning of ganjitsu".
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The kanji "旦" in "元旦" expresses that the sun (日) is coming out of the horizon (_).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "正月 (shogatsu)" means the first month of the new year, that is January.
  • "正月 (shogatsu)" means the first month of the new year, which is January in Japan.
  • However, "正月" often means a period for new year's celebration -- it is "三が日 (san ga nichi)" (January 1-3), or "松の内 (matsu no uchi)" (January 1-7).
  • However "正月" often refers to the period for the new year's celebration -- it is "三が日 (san ga nichi)" (January 1-3), or "松の内 (matsu no uchi)" (January 1-7).
Thank you very much always for correcting my post! (^^)